
Half Design (Creative Director)
Fieldworks is a long-term art archive led by award-winning photographer Todd Stewart, and noteworthy modern–contemporary art scholar and writer Robert Bailey. The archive exists to document—and inspire connections regarding—the modern American West. Fieldworks collaborates with scholars from universities all around the country to lead trips through the west to explore themes, motifs, and collective memories of the American west through documentation, collection, observation, and response.
My Contributions
Strategy, Creative Direction, Identity, Motion, Art Direction
Apr 2014 - Mar 2015
As we studied the potential applications for the fieldworks brand, it was clear that it needed to feel at home in an art-museum, but also in the context of academic writings. It needed to have enough personality and charm to carry an exhibition, without being so branded that it detracted from the images or the archival approach. Our ultimate recommendation was a typographic, black-and-white, mostly neutral brand leveraging courier prime as the main typeface. This gives the text a cold rigidity that allows it to be neutral in small sizes and highly expressive at display sizes. The black-and-white color palette harkens back to black typography on white index cards. Small lines and short works use red as a reference to rules and numeric stamps in indecies.

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