Apr 2014 - Mar 2015
Christina had a all-hands campaign strategy meeting where we determined that priorities ultimately fall under three pillars: accessibility, transparency, and professionalism. We saw an opportunity to create a rebus of sorts. Transparency. Acountability. Professionalism. CC for closed-captioning, representing accessibility; CC for Carbon Copy, representing clear transparent communication in real-time; and CC for Christina Chicoraske, a qualified professional who stands in stark contrast to her opponent, whose name recognition came from award-winning trumpet music. No joke.
The rest of the visual decisions were driven by finding ties between voter data and authentic things that we could highlight about Christina. What we learned was that her voters were pretty much an even split between young and old demographics. This inspired an identity that is like Christina—quirky and individual—with a visual language that appeals to Millennials and Boomers, which can be a tricky balance to navigate sometimes.